There is a “Relational Science” Special Integration Group of the ISSS which consists of a paper stream. The SIG organizers, John Kineman and Judith Rosen, are unfortunately unable to attend. We are searching for an acting SIG Chair for the conference.
Please note the following links to the ISSS conference: – the main ISSS website featuring the Conference
- — the dedicated Conference-only website
- — the line-up of both Plenary Speakers and Planetary Speakers for the conference
OXcf4S0tBFg — our ISSS promo video
There is also a follow-on conference in Taiwan immediately after the Viet Nam event. ISSS has partnered with the National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan for ISEE 2013 — International conference on Social Environmental Education for an emerging Eco-Civilization, July 21st-July 22nd, 2013. The conference theme focuses on “Enacting Unbounded Collaboration and Evolutionary Development for Glocal Eco-Communities: A New Paradigm of Public Engagement and Social Innovation.” All ISSS 2013 members may join this second opportunity to connect with global leaders for free (travel costs and accommodation are not covered).
Here is a flyer for the Taiwan conference conference: